Order on Consent – Dr. Shahzad Qureshi

On January 25, 2023 a complaint was filed by KO regarding the care provided to her infant child by Dr. Shahzad Qureshi at the Prince County Hospital. The Investigation Committee investigated the complaint and discovered evidence of incorrectly documenting a physical examination and failing to perform a physical examination of an infant. The Investigation Committee regarded this information as evidence of Professional Misconduct as outlined in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) sections 57(1) (a), (a.1) and (e), and the Medical Practitioners Regulations section 34(1)(w), and Incompetence as outlined in the RHPA sections 57(2) (a)(i) and (ii):

57. Professional misconduct

  1. The conduct of a respondent may be found to constitute professional misconduct if

(a)                   the respondent contravenes this Act, the regulations, the bylaws, standards of practice, code of ethics or practice directions in a manner that, in the opinion of the investigation committee or the hearing committee relates to the respondent’s suitability to practice a regulated health profession;

(a.1)               in the opinion of the investigation committee or the hearing committee, the conduct is harmful to the best interests of a client or other person, or to the integrity of the profession;

(e)                   the conduct of the respondent constitutes professional misconduct as set out in the regulations.

57.         Incompetence

(2)           The conduct of a respondent may be found to constitute incompetence where

(a) an act or omission of the respondent

                                                                (i) demonstrates a lack of knowledge, skill or judgment,

                                                                (ii) demonstrates disregard for the safety or welfare of a client,

RHPA Medical Practitioners Regulations

34.         Conduct that constitutes professional misconduct

  1. pursuant to clause 57(1)(e) of the Act, in addition to the matters set out in subsection 57(1) of the Act, professional misconduct by a member includes

(w) signing or issuing in the member’s professional capacity a document which the member knows or ought to know is false or misleading.    

In addition to the legislation, the Investigation Committee considered the following sections of the CMA Code of Ethics in this complaint matter:



INTEGRITY. A physician who acts with integrity demonstrates consistency in their intentions and actions and acts in a truthful manner in accordance with professional expectations, even in the face of adversity.

PRUDENCE. A prudent physician uses clinical and moral reasoning and judgment, considers all relevant knowledge and circumstances, and makes decisions carefully, in good conscience, and with due regard for principles of exemplary medical care.


Commitment to the well-being of the patient

Consider first the well-being of the patient; always act to benefit the patient and promote the good of the patient.


Commitment to professional integrity and competence

Practice medicine competently, safely, and with integrity; avoid any influence that could undermine your professional integrity.




5. Communicate information accurately and honestly with the patient in a manner that the patient understands and can apply and confirm the patient’s understanding.

The Investigation Committee determined that several Orders should be issued, and Dr. Shahzad Qureshi accepted the findings of the Investigation Committee and consented to the following Orders:

  1. Dr. Qureshi shall be issued a letter of reprimand by the Registrar, for incorrectly documenting a physical examination that was not performed.
  2. Dr. Qureshi shall be required to complete the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Update Course, put on by eMedEvents.com which can be found at the link below: https://www.emedevents.com/online-cme-courses/live-webinar/pediatric-emergency-medicine-update-live-webinar-event which can be done online, starting October 21-24, 2024. 
  3. Dr. Qureshi shall be issued a fine in the amount of $1000.00 to be paid to CPSPEI within 30 days of the date this document is signed.

Upon completion of the requirements of these Orders, the discipline process pertaining to the KO complaint against Dr. Qureshi, will be concluded.

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