Atlantic Registry

The Registry was created to enable physicians to easily move and practice across all four Atlantic provinces. It is built upon substantial agreement by the four Atlantic Colleges (College of Physicians & Surgeons of New Brunswick, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Newfoundland & Labrador, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia, and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island) on the criteria for licensing physicians and advances the spirit and intent of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement.

Physicians who hold General Registration with CPSPEI, or the equivalent with CPSNB, CPSNL, CPSNS, and whose primary practice is in one of the Atlantic Canadian provinces, may be eligible to obtain a Full, General, or Regular licence in all four provinces via the Atlantic Registry. To be considered for eligibility, there must not be any conditions, restrictions, undertakings, supervision, etc., attached to your registration.

If you wish to opt-in to the Atlantic Registry, you must submit an opt-in request form, be deemed eligible, and pay the initial registration fee of $500 to the College in your home province (defined as the Atlantic Canadian province where you practice the majority of your time). The cost of $500 replaces all fees associated with the individual application/licensure processes for the other Atlantic Colleges.

Eligibility Requirements

If you want to be part of the Atlantic Registry, you must do so with the College in your home province, which is defined as the Atlantic province where you practice the majority of your time.

You may be eligible for the Atlantic Registry if you:

  • hold a Full, General or Regular Licence with the home College;
  • are not subject to a Licensing Sanction as outlined below:
    • your registration has been revoked;
    • your registration has been suspended; or
    • Any restrictions, conditions, undertakings are actively attached to your registration
  • are not the subject of an open complaint that has been referred to a Hearing Committee and a decision is pending;
  • are not subject to monitoring, undergoing a quality assurance, or fitness to practice review as a result of a concern raised regarding the physician’s health or competency to practise medicine; and
  • there are no other serious issues relating to your file identified by the Registrar.

Opting-In to the Atlantic Registry

An Opt-in must be completed through your home College (defined as the Atlantic province where you practise the majority of your time).

PEI physicians who may be eligible for the Atlantic Registry can submit the opt-in form through their CPSPEI Member Portal.

We are here to help. Call: 902-566-3861 if you have any questions or need assistance.

Approval for Registration

Once we have received your completed consent form, an internal review of your file will be completed. If approved for registration on the Atlantic Registry, a $500 payment will be required prior to the College sending recommendation for Full, General, or Regular licensure to each of the other Atlantic Colleges. You will be notified when this occurs.

Physicians must not begin practising outside of Prince Edward Island until after you have obtained confirmation of your licence with the Atlantic College (New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, and/or Nova Scotia) in which you intend to practice.

Remaining on the Atlantic Registry


One renewal process for all four provinces! Renewal to remain on the Atlantic Registry lies solely with your home College and the outcome of the renewal will be reported to the other Atlantic Colleges. As long as you continue to meet the criteria of the Atlantic Registry, your licence in all other Atlantic Colleges will automatically be renewed. The Atlantic Registry renewal fee is in addition to the annual registration fee and is non-refundable.

This renewal will only stop if you have:

  • been removed from the Atlantic Registry for not meeting the criteria.
  • submitted written notice to the College to opt out of the Atlantic Registry.

While part of the Atlantic Registry, any complaint initiated against you will be adjudicated in the province where the encounter took place by that College’s processes, policies, standards, and regulations. Information related to any complaints initiated while you are licensed on the Atlantic Registry will be shared with all Atlantic Colleges.

Application of policies, standards, by-laws, and provincial laws

You are expected to abide by the College policies, standards, by-laws and/or provincial laws of the province in which you are practicing.

Data sharing

The opt-in request that you provide includes ongoing consent for the sharing of information to and from all parties in the Atlantic Registry agreement. This includes the outcome of any renewals, or issues of character, competence, or capacity.


A fee of $500 is due upon initial opt-in on the Atlantic Registry and additionally as part of the annual registration renewal. This is in addition to any other annual fees and is non-refundable.


You will remain registered with all Atlantic Colleges through renewal with your home College unless:

  • you opt-out – this must be submitted in writing;
  • your usual place of practice is no longer within an Atlantic province;
  • you fail to meet the requirements of your annual renewal for registration to practice medicine;
  • you fail to continue to meet the eligibility requirements of the Atlantic Registry; or
  • an Atlantic College identifies an issue with your conduct, capacity, or competence that no longer qualifies you for participation in the Atlantic Registry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my home College?

Your home College is where you hold General registration and is the province where your primary practice is located.

Where do I opt-in to the Atlantic Registry?

You must opt-in with your home College, in the Atlantic province where your primary practise is located.

I did not receive confirmation of my licence/registration from all Atlantic Colleges, what should I do?

After receiving confirmation from your home College, please allow up to 5 business days to obtain confirmation of registration with the other three Colleges. If you have not received confirmation within 5 business days, please contact your home College.

After I apply is there anything else I need to do to start practicing?

Yes, you will be responsible for obtaining the appropriate credentialing/privileging in the provinces where you intend to practise. This includes contacting the Canadian Medical Protective Association to add coverage for all provinces where you will be practising.

If you want to practice under your corporation, you must register your corporation with the College in that province.

You will be given information on the processes you must undertake once your licence in that College has been issued.

I am moving my main practice to another Atlantic province, what do I do?

Please contact your home College. It is important that your home College information is updated as soon as possible to ensure you are completing annual renewal in the appropriate College.

Do I have to renew all four licenses on an annual basis?

No, as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the Atlantic Registry at all times, including at the time of your licence renewal in your home College, and pay the applicable fee; your licence in the other provinces will automatically renew.

How long will it take to obtain approval for registration on the Atlantic Registry after I submit my opt-in request form?

Approved physicians will receive registration/licensure with all four Atlantic Colleges within 10 business days.

I no longer wish to maintain licensure on the Atlantic Registry, what should I do?

Submit a request to opt-out of the Atlantic Registry in writing to your home College.

My main practice is outside of the Atlantic provinces, but I want to opt-in to the Atlantic Registry, am I eligible?

No; participation on the Atlantic Registry requires that the majority of your practice take place in an Atlantic province.

How will my data be shared between the Atlantic Colleges?

Your data will be shared through a secure online platform.

Will I need to contact CMPA to update my current liability coverage?

You are responsible for contacting CMPA and adding coverage for any province where you will be practicing.

What will happen if I am the subject of a complaint in another Atlantic province?

Complaints will be adjudicated by the College in the province where the encounter took place. Information related to any complaints initiated while you are registered on the Atlantic Registry may be shared amongst all Atlantic Colleges.