Reprimand – Dr. Henry Swart

May 4, 2021

Whereas the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of PEI confirmed the finding of the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College that Dr. Henry Swart was guilty of Professional Misconduct, pursuant to subsections XI(1)(a) and (h) of the Medical Act Regulations:

  • Failing to maintain accepted professional standards and procedures in the practice of medicine
  • Engaging in conduct or an act relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by medical practitioners as disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional, and

Whereas Dr. Henry Swart violated the CMA Code of Ethics, section 20 (CMA Code of Ethics 2004):

  • Limit treatment of yourself or members of your immediate family to minor or emergency services and only when another physician is not readily available; there should be no fee for such treatment.

Whereas Dr. Henry Swart violated the College Policy on Treating Self and Family Members (August 2016 and previous version):

The Council for the College accepted the recommendations of the Fitness to Practise Committee and Orders that:

  1. Henry Swart be given a written reprimand.
  2. Henry Swart pay the College a sum of $3, 500.00, as costs associated with the College’s investigation and disciplinary proceedings.
  3. Henry Swart be required to participate in and successfully complete, within 6 months of the date of this Order, an individualized course in medical ethics satisfactory to the College, at his own expense. Dr. Swart shall provide to the College a report of successful completion of the course.

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