Restriction: Dr. Eunice Hove

April 26, 2024

Effective April 26, 2024, Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons has issued the following order:

That Dr. Eunice Hove’s registration to practise medicine in PEI have the following terms and conditions:

(a)        Dr. Hove must provide in person care to no more than 40 patients per day; and,

(b)         Dr. Hove is permitted to provide virtual care (including telephone) solely for the purpose of communicating results. For clarity, the virtual care provided to patients for the purpose of communicating test results is not included in the patient “cap” of 40 patients per day. Therefore, Dr. Hove is permitted to see no more than 40 patients in person per day, but may provide virtual care to additional patients, solely for the purpose of relaying test results.

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