Policies & Guidelines

The College is directed by the Regulated Health Professions Act(link) to establish and promote professional standards of
practice for medicine.

The College regulates physician performance, which includes both clinical duties and those administrative or executive
duties over which the physician can reasonably be expected to control or influence.

Physicians are expected to adhere to the CMA’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism and the recommendations
of Choosing Wisely Canada, both of which have been endorsed by the College.

Adherence to the College’s policies and guidelines is the first lens through which a physician’s conduct is viewed by the
College. As such, physicians are expected to stay current with these documents.

  • Policies: reflect the minimum professional and ethical behaviour, conduct or practice expected by the College of
    Physicians and Surgeons of PEI. Physicians licensed with the College are required to be familiar with and comply
    with the College policies.
  • Guidelines contain recommendations endorsed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of PEI. The College
    encourages its members to be familiar with and to follow its guidelines whenever possible and appropriate.


June 2023Acceptable Alternatives to RC
June 2023Acceptable Alternatives to CCFP
June 2023Acceptable Alternatives to the LMCC
October 2024Administrative Medicine License
February 2022Blood Borne Viral Infections
February 2022Boundaries
June 2018BUPRENORPHINE Standard for Opioid Dependency
September 2013Charging for Uninsured Services
March 2024Clinical Assistant Training Requirements
August 2019CMA CODE OF ETHICS- Updated, Adopted by Council
October 2023Comprehensive Clinical Assessment
March 2024Conscientious Objection to Provision of Service
March 2024Continuing Professional Development
November 2024Continuity of Care
October 2023CPC Requirements for Registration
May 2024Criminal Record Screening
March 2024Currency of Practice
November 2019Ending Physician Patient Relationship
September 2021Indigenous-specific Racism in recognition of the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
June 2024Language Proficiency
November 2016Marijuana Prescribing
March 2024Medical Assistance in Dying
November 2024Medical Records Management
July 2009Minimal Requirements for Office Records
March 2023Moonlighting
October 2023Physician Assistants – Code of Ethics, adopted by Council
June 2024Privacy Policy
October 2024Podiatry Registration Requirements
May 2024Provisional Registration: Pathway to Long-Term Registration
October 2023Publication and Communication of Determinations, Orders, Suspensions, Cancellations, Terms, and Conditions
June 2024Public Communications and Advertising by Physicians
October 2020Referrals and Consultations for Patients
June 2024Reimbursement of Fees
October 2023Shadowing – Observing a Registered Physician in a Clinical Setting
June 2024Social Media and Privacy
February 2022Supervision
November 2019Treating Self or Family Members
October 2023Virtual Care
December 2021Visiting Consultant